Rachel Dyan hanging out at her laptop ready to help you establish your online presence

To breathe life into the online presence of entrepreneurs and small business owners by providing beautiful and strategic custom website design.


To be wildly successful doing what brings YOU joy, while outsourcing the tough stuff that holds you back… like web design.

My vision for you

My goal is to empower entrepreneurs like you with beautiful and high-converting web design made accessible in every phase of business growth, while encouraging your biggest dreams.

I'm a website designer and strategist here in Winnipeg, Manitoba - here wearing a winter jacket outside in the exchange!

Oh, hi!

a Squarespace website designer and strategist.

I believe that the things that excite you are directly connected to your purpose in life.

For me, helping folks (like you) launch your business into the world via a polished website sparks a LOT of joy.

After designing websites for friends and family, I finally decided to pursue my own business in 2020.

Note: Definitely don’t recommend quitting your job and starting your own business at the beginning of a pandemic… but here we are.

I’m Rachel.

Facts about me that you didn’t ask for… this way!

Let’s Get Personal

Me and my husband at our holiday 2022 photoshoot

I’m married to my best friend (barf... but it’s true,) and we live in “Winterpeg”, Manitoba with our two cats.

I enjoy popping bottles of prosecco, seen here, to celebrate ALL the moments

I believe in celebrating ALL the moments, and can be found drinking champagne at any given time.

Me hanging out in front of my makeup mirror... because I LOVE makeup

Makeup is my meditation.

(And maybe… my addiction?)

YOU are a badass at making money - another book I haven't read, but use as a prop in my photoshoots.

My toxic trait is buying self-help books… and never reading them. #adhdproblems

(I still haven’t read this book ☝️)

Now that you know a little bit about me…….

Are you ready to get started?